OpenAI 店大欺客:帳戶無辜被封、40$ 餘額退款無門

毫無疑問,OpenAI 公司的發展是史上發展得最快的科技公司。但我想從 Metanethub 使用了一個多月的 API 帳戶被封的事說起。

春節前上線運營了 ,一個區塊鏈領域的資訊和工具平台。得益於 ChatGPT 和 API 的功能,幫助到我做資訊的半自動化整理。

除夕前一天,網頁爬蟲的反向代理 IP 應該是沒有續費停工了,自然 OpenAI 接口的服務也開始放春節假期。其後幾天我用 ChatGPT 進行量化交易的學習,幫助特別大。

假期近,人也就懶散了,昨天想著要開始幹活,發現 OpenAI 账号在沒有任何通知的情況下被封:

You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, please contact us through our help center at

help center 跟我對話的,都是機器人。網上很多在 開發者論壇的帖子,管理員各種回覆說這裡不是處理帳號問題的,看來論壇管理員挺無奈,但用戶也無奈。

在 youtube 上看到一印度老哥說寫信給 [email protected] ,試了一下,沒想到連續接到兩封回信。

Hello,Thank you for reaching out to us. We’ve confirmed this action was associated with suspicious payment activity. We are unable to reinstate your account at this time; we will investigate further. Please reach out if you can provide any additional information.We've looked into your case and determined that you aren't eligible for a refund. Unfortunately, the ChatGPT Plus subscription fee is non-refundable for terminated accounts.Let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with.Best,AceOpenAI Support


Hi there,We’ve conducted an investigation and confirmed that this deactivation was due to a violation of our usage policies. As the account linked to this email violated our policies, we won't be able to overturn this decision and the account will remain deactivated.For more information, please review our Usage Policies and Terms of Use.Best,OpenAI Team


GPT4 plus 不退款尚能接受,我給 API 接口充值的 40$ 估計也沒戲了。

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 22.51.00.png

最近不如意事常八九,OpenAI 店大欺客算其一,寫下此文,權當以吐槽。


1 条评论
robin 评论于 2024-05-07 11:46

我也是突然被封了,API還有將近20-30$,給support團隊發郵件~ 竟然回復,讓我去help.openai.com去“start a chat with our support bot”